Romance Analyst
What the heck is a romance analyst? For many years Diane has suffered from a peculiar affliction -- a compulsion to keep extensive records in gigantic databases. It might have been caused by all the time she spent working in libraries. She contemplated the ways to put this obsession to good use because she is, after all, a practical person. She joined the nearby chapter of RWA where she met romance authors, studied the craft of writing, and learned about the romance industry. Diane became fascinated with patterns in romance novels, particularly the recurring story elements, or tropes.
Today Diane is involved with adding and revising information on the RomanceWiki ( She previously studied information in the RWA archives and is compiling that and other data on the wiki to build the history of the romance industry. She continues to make connections with romance authors and readers on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Goodreads in order to learn all she can about the romance community.